Back to Florida to see the fam for Christmas and it's always good to get a little birding in.
The weather was unusually drab even for Florida in the dead of winter, but we had one lovely day at Lettuce Lake Park, one of our old haunts outside of Tampa. The birds (and turtles and gators and tourists) were out in droves even in the middle of the afternoon. I had some fabulous finds and bagged a few birds that I've had trouble photographing in the past. Finally got my
Roseate Spoonbill in the wild!
Hello, Northern Parula! I hear them every time I go to Florida,
but have never been quick enough to catch one on film! |
Never been this close before to get this good a picture of a Pied Billed Grebe. |
Total surprise to see this Yellow Crowned Night Heron
sitting in a tree right next to the boardwalk. That's a lifer for me! |
Oh, Rosie, you're so rosy! |
Many Limpkins were out and about. |
AND… a BLACK Crowned Night Heron! Another lifer!
I had misidentified this as a Yellow Crowned Night Heron and almost overlooked him! |
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